The temperature is steadily rising and the days are getting longer. That can only mean one thing, Summer has arrived! Summers bring beach trips, family vacations, park adventures, swimming, and a myriad of other fun outdoor activities. Although the increased fun in the sun serves as a medium for unforgettable memories with family and friends, it can also present unwanted opportunities to increase waste in the environment that we all love so much. We at the Hudson County Improvement Authority want to share some simple tips that can help you to cut down on unnecessary waste all while soaking up the sun and enjoying the Summer adventure of a lifetime.

Out with the old and in with the new! It’s always nice to buy some new clothes for a vacation or an outfit for an upcoming event. When cleaning out your closet to make room for new summer wardrobe, always remember to donate or sell clothing that you may want to get rid of. By giving your clothes to someone else, they receive new life and don’t end up in a landfill!


Working on your tan at the beach? If you’re going on a trip down the shore with friends or family this summer, save money and reduce emissions by carpooling. In order to further reduce the environmental footprint of your beach day, utilize reusable snack containers and bottles to reduce waste. 8 million metric tons of plastic make their way to our oceans annually. If you do use plastic bottles, cans, or other products that cannot be reused, be sure to dispose of them in the proper receptacles or hold on to them until you find a recycling bin at home, in a business, or at a rest stop. The most important environmentally friendly beach rule you can follow is to always clean up after yourself and your family!

Take your flight to new heights this summer! Opt for electronic tickets for your flight instead of paper ones to reduce frivolous paper waste. Avoid buying tons of travel size shampoos, lotions, and other products in order to get your toiletries through airport security. Instead, opt for refillable containers that you can pour your everyday products into. TSA will approve and you won't be filling up landfills with unnecessary trash after your trip.

Craving an ice cream cone from a local ice cream shop? Don’t hop in the car to satisfy your sweet tooth! Take advantage of the fresh air and warm Summer sun and walk or bike to your destination. Your body and the planet will thank you.

Mowing the lawn before a BBQ? Don’t worry about removing the clippings! Grass clippings actually provide nutrients to the soil, helping your grass grow greener than ever even during dry summer months. If you really wish to remove the clippings, use them for composting as fertilizer.

Don't let playing host at Summer events throw you off of your regular recycling routine. Make sure recycling bins are visible next to regular trash bins, making it easy for guests to recycle bottles and cans. Take it one step further by purchasing recycled, biodegradable plates and cutlery for your event. If you are attending an event in Hudson County, look for some of the 50 new recycling bins thanks to a generous grant from the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group and Keep America Beautiful!

For the days that it’s too hot to even step outside, make sure to put your air conditioner on an energy saving mode. This way your air conditioner will automatically shut off when your home reaches a certain temperature, using less energy, but still keeping you cool as a cucumber!

Flip flops are a summer staple. If you wear them out by the end of the summer season, recycle them with a group such as TerraCycle. They will take the hard to manage rubber and turn it into something new!

We hope that these tips can help you maintain environmental consciousness throughout your many Summer adventures. The Hudson County Improvement Authority wishes you a happy, safe, and green summer!


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