Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by The Hudson County Improvement Authority (“HCIA”) at its Administrative Offices, 830 Bergen Avenue, 9th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306, on Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 11:00 a.m., prevailing time. On such date and at the above time and place, in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law, such bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for the following contracts:
HCIA is soliciting bids for the provision of Solid Waste Disposal Services for all Solid Waste I.D. Types 10 and 25 (“Processible Waste”), and I.D. Types 13 (including 13C), 23 and 27 (“Non-Processible”) generated within Hudson County. The Solid Waste Disposal Services must include Transfer Station Services and Transportation Services to the Disposal Facility if such Disposal Facility is located in excess of twenty (20) road miles from the intersection of Tonnelle and Manhattan Avenues in Jersey City, New Jersey;
Sole Option: All-inclusive Disposal Services (including Transfer Station and Transportation Services, if applicable)
The Bid Specifications do not restrict or limit the geographic location of Disposal Facility to be utilized by the Successful Bidder for the provision of Solid Waste Disposal Services. However, if a Successful Bidder’s Disposal Facility for the provision of Solid Waste Disposal Services is located in excess of twenty (20) road miles measured from the intersection of Tonnelle and Manhattan Avenues in Jersey City, New Jersey, the Successful Bidder must include in its bid: (1) Transfer Station Services at a Transfer Station, which must be located within twenty (20) road miles measured from the intersection of Tonnelle and Manhattan Avenues in Jersey City, New Jersey, and (2) Transportation Services to transport all Acceptable Waste from such Transfer Station to the Successful Bidder’s Disposal Facility.
The contract for Disposal Services for all Acceptable Waste, shall be for a term of thirty-six (36) months, commencing on July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028, with HCIA maintaining the sole right to extend the term by two (2) one-year periods, and with HCIA maintaining a right to terminate the contract in accordance with the provisions of the Disposal Services Agreement.
HCIA may elect to extend the term of the contract awarded as a result of this procurement, pursuant to a Term as described above, for a period(s) of time such that the contract will remain in effect for a maximum of five (5) full years from the Commencement Date.
In the interest of sound solid waste disposal planning, HCIA desires to procure environmentally-sound, cost efficient Solid Waste Disposal Services, to ensure its ability to provide such services to the citizens of Hudson County.
Bids must be submitted in writing on the forms furnished by HCIA in the Bid Specifications. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in the amount of 10% of the bid, but not in excess of $20,000. The Bid Security shall be in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond payable to HCIA. Should a Successful Bidder fail to enter into a contract and give such performance security as may be specified in the Bid Specifications with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract, the Successful Bidder shall pay to HCIA an amount equal to the difference between the amounts specified in the Successful Bidder’s Bid and such greater amount that HCIA, in good faith, may contract with another party to perform the services required by said Bid, and the costs to rebid the Solid Waste Disposal Services, which amount shall not exceed $20,000.
Within ten (10) days of the issuance of a Notice to Proceed by HCIA, the Successful Bidder will also be required to submit performance security, in either the form of a performance bond or performance letter of credit, in a sum determined in accordance with the Bid Specifications. At the time of Bid submission, Bidder(s) will be required to submit a consent of either a surety or a bank indicating that such surety or bank will provide the performance bond or letter of credit, as appropriate, if the Bidder is awarded a contract for Solid Waste Disposal Services and is issued a Notice to Proceed by HCIA. The Successful Bidder must also furnish the Certificate(s) of Insurance required by these Bid Specifications and Contract Documents. In order to be deemed responsive, all Bids shall be submitted in accordance with, and accompanied by, any other information and documents specified in or required by the Bid Specifications.
Bidders are required to comply with the affirmative action and non-discrimination provisions of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27-1 et seq.; the provisions with regard to investment activities in Iran pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-55 et seq.; the provisions with regard to prohibited activities is Russia and Belarus pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-60.1 and, where applicable, the requirements of N.J.S.A. 34A:11-56.25 et seq. with respect to the payment of prevailing wages.
The Bid Specifications may be obtained on or after Friday, January 31, 2025 at the administrative offices of HCIA, located at 830 Bergen Avenue, 9th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306, during regular business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (phone number: 201-324-6222). The Bid Specifications may also be downloaded from HCIA’s website (
Each potential Bidder must register with HCIA to: (i) indicate that it intends to submit a Bid, and (ii) provide the name of its contact person and contact information (name, company, address, phone, cell, and e-mail address) for any and all communications during the procurement process. Details regarding registration are contained within the Bid Specifications.
Bidders are also advised that a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at HCIA’s Administrative Offices on February 12, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. At the pre-bid meeting, Bidders will be allowed to ask questions regarding the Bid Specifications. All Bidders are strongly encouraged to attend.
No Bids will be received after the time, date and place indicated above. HCIA reserves the right to reject all bids and waive any minor informality in the bids, all in accordance with applicable law.
Each Bid shall be submitted in a sealed envelope or sealed box addressed to HCIA at 830 Bergen Avenue, 9th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07306, bearing the name and address of the bidder, upon which shall be designated:
“Bid Submission - Solid Waste Disposal Services”
All questions concerning the Bid Specifications must be submitted in writing via email to HCIA, attention Norman M. Guerra, Chief Executive Officer (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Michael O’Connor, Esq., Deputy General Counsel (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and to HCIA’s Special Counsel, Megan I. Sartor, Esq., Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The deadline for submitting questions is February 21, 2025.
/S/ Norman M. Guerra, Chief Executive Officer