Bids for Disposal Services for Processible and Non-Processible Waste are due to be received at the offices of the Hudson County Improvement Authority at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 17, 2019, located at 830 Bergen Avenue in Jersey City.
Details of the funeral arrangements have just been released for Jersey City Police Detective Joseph Seals, who was tragically killed in the line of duty on December 10th. The funeral for Detective Seals will take place on the morning of Tuesday, December 17th. The funeral procession will occur on Bergen Avenue directly in front of the HCIA offices located at 830 Bergen Avenue. The funeral mass will be held at St Aeden’s Church, located at 800 Bergen Avenue. It is expected that a strict security and traffic cordon will be placed around the entire area beginning as early as 7:00 a.m. through mid-afternoon on Tuesday, December 17th. Vehicles will be barred and pedestrian access will be subject to significant restrictions.
Therefore, HCIA strongly recommends that all potential respondents to the Bid for Solid Waste Disposal Services make arrangement to deliver their bids by the end of business on Monday, December 16th to assure that they are received prior to the time and date mentioned above. HCIA cannot reschedule the bid receipt date due to requirements of the Local Public Contracts Law and will not be responsible for a potential respondent’s inability to deliver its bid to HCIA on the morning on December 17th. No bids received after 11:00 a.m. on December 17th regardless of the reason for the delayed delivery can be accepted. Bids received after 11:00 a.m. will be returned unopened to the bidder.
It is HCIA’s intention to open the bids at 1:00 P.M. on the afternoon of December 17th. We will circulate via operate electronic mail a dial-in conference call number to all companies who submit a bid so that they can learn the preliminary results of the bidding.